Conditions and useful information

Useful information

Check in

From 15:00 to 19:00

Check out

From 06:00 to 12:00


General cancellation policy applicable on all rates, excluding special rates that specify specific cancellation policies


WIFI is available without charge


Breakfast available for 14,00 €

Breakfast at 8,00 € for children under 8

Free breakfast for children under 2

Breakfast is served as a buffet from 6.30am to 10am. On the menu, various kinds of breads, cakes, pastries pure butter and salty products will accompany hot or cold drinks. Jams, honey, fresh and dried fruits are the focus. Local, seasonal products are preferred. Gluten-free dishes are also available on request.


Onsite parking

Free onsite parking

Charging station for electric vehicles available

Disabled parking space (s) available

A free private parking of 35 places will be waiting for you as well as many parking spaces in the street Jean Monnet.


Children are not accepted


Animals are not accepted

Accepted payment methods

  • Visa
  • Euro/Mastercard
  • Carte Bleue
  • American Express
  • Espèce
  • Chèque Vacances
  • Carte / Ticket Restaurant

Tourism tax

2,30 € (per person, per night)