Pessac and its vineyards
5 minutes from the hotel come and visit the Pessac-Léognan and Graves vineyards.
Hotel near Pessac and the Pessac-Léognan and Graves appellations
Pessac-Léognan is 75 châteaux and estates, including 16 “Crus Classés de Graves” spread over 10 municipalities: Canéjan, Gradignan, Léognan, Martillac, Mérignac, Pessac, Saint-Médard d´Eyrans, Talence, Villenave d´Ornon. The vines extend over 1600 hectares, more than 1000 hectares have been replanted in a quarter of a century. The Pessac-Léognan vineyard produces 10 million bottles.